Saturday, June 27, 2015

Well, here is the first entry in what (I hope) will be a daily journal of my adventures in London, Edinburgh, and Paris.

I'll be spending the next 5 weeks here (I know!), touring amazing libraries and archives and conducting some research into British Libraries and Information Centers as part of USM's British Studies Program. This blog is one of my assignments, but I also hope to use it to document my trip, and perhaps turn the text and photos into a photo book when I get home. So, my plan is to post something every day. We'll see how realistic that is...

There are two other URI students in the program. We met up in Newark (I flew in from Providence), along with students from several other locations, for the long flight over. As much as I tried to prepare for the sleep deprivation and time difference the week before, I think I only got a few hours sleep Thursday night/Friday morning. We arrived a a little after 7 London time (2 Eastern time), worked our way through customs and baggage claim (one of my classmates used her phone to estimate that it was a mile walk from the arrival gate to where we met the BSP folks), and got to the dorms at King's College by around 10:30.

Courtyard of King's College Apartments

After getting settled, we attended orientation, then met with our professors, Drs. Welsh and Griffis, for a walking tour of the area and a delicious dinner at a gourmet pizza shop on the Thames.

Photo taken by Dr. Welsh

I think that's all I'll post today. I'll try and post something about the rest of the weekend tomorrow.

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